Converting Laserscan (from XV-11) to Point Cloud (eventually 3D using octomap)
Hey guys,
I'm pretty new to ROS and I've got myself a Neato XV-11 Lidar. I have it running and I can see scans in rviz under topic /scan, so that works fine. I have also installed Hector SLAM (from a tutorial and given code) and can get a SLAM map built. My objective now is to take my LaserScan topic /scan and use laser_geometry to turn that topic into a point cloud and then eventually use that point cloud with octomap to produce a 3D map. I have read a lot about how laser_geometry works, but my problem is that I don't really understand how to implement it. On this tutorial:
Code is given, and I think that it is c++ (maybe python? again, new to this) but when I try to compile the code I have errors like ros/ros.h no such file or directory. I think that my problem comes with my understanding of how this all works, and how the libraries are used. Most of the time, I try to use "sudo apt-get install", but when there is no install pakage available, I use the termminal to direct myself ot my catkin workspace, git clone the code, and then catkin_make. Is this correct to allow me to use these packages/stacks I'm trying to copy? I have done tutorials including catkin workspaces, and tf, so I have a general understanding, but I would really love some feedback here. Please let me know what I should do / where I should go. Thank you.