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How do I write a code to move Husky robot in gazebo?

I am new to ROS and Gazebo. I have to move 2 robots in a square path simulataneously. To launch 2 Husky robots, I used namespace in the launch file. But I am unable to figure out on how to write a code to move these 2 robots. If not for 2 robots, it would be good if you can tell me how to move 1 Husky robot using code? I am using ROS-Indigo with Gazebo-2.2.2 version on Ubuntu 14.04.

Asked by Pikachu on 2016-06-13 07:14:19 UTC



You may need to take this tutorial on controlling the turtlebot (simulated) first.

The concept is to Publish the "Command Velocity" Message to control the robot if the gazebo had already provided the node that running on ROS as a simulated running robot .

Asked by C3MX on 2016-06-14 14:52:14 UTC


Since Husky publishes to topic /cmd_vel, you can learn how is done with teleop_twist_keyboard:

sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-teleop-twist-keyboard

rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard

If you are interested in how the python file works, check the repo:

Link to code:

Hope this helps.

Asked by osilva on 2021-09-11 17:40:02 UTC
