Can't visualize image in opencv. what is problem?
I tried to run ros opencv tutorial program: converting converting between ros image and opencv image using cv_bridge. but after i ran the command: rosrun opencv example input:=/camera/image_raw than rosrun image_view image_view image:=/image_converter/video_output etc, im not getting any visual output. it seems like my opencv node is running but somehow it is not converting the opencv image into ros image. im confused, but ill keep on trying by the way.
Is something being published to /camera/image ? if you do
rostopic hz /image/camera
what do you get?I'm getting this warning: WARNING: topic [/image/camera] does not appear to be published yet. when i do rosnode list, it shows that my opencv node named image_converter is running, when i do rostopic list it also shows that that node is publishing the topic /image_converter/output_video.
when i do rostopic hz /image_conerter/output_video it shows: subscribed to [/image_converter/output_video] but now as i done little research on my problem and done rosrun image_view image_view image:=/image_converter/output_video i'm only getting blank window.
How do you publish the images from your webcam? are you using usb_cam package?
im using freenect_launch, and im subscribing to /camera/rgb/image_raw inside the image_converter node by running: rosrun opencv example input:=/camera/rgb/image_raw and than in another terminal when i do rostopic echo /image_converter/output_video, it displays using kinect xbox.