detect dynamic obstacles
I am a beginner in ROS, but I read lots of docs these days in order to construct a plan for my research. What I plan to do is the following:
- use Kinect to get 3d map data.
- use octomap to build the 3d map or any other package.
- use rtap-map to do slam and stuff...
^ I can change these packages if required.
now, I still need these:
- let the robot navigate, I guess this is via navigation stack which I still don't know how to use.
- track all robots' (multi-robot) positions and simulate them in the map.
- detect dynamic obstacles and change movement plan to avoid them. < which is the most important part of this!
please help and tell me what packages and ways to do that. any suggestion is accepted.
Asked by VEGETA on 2016-05-28 16:02:32 UTC
can someone answer this? xD
Asked by VEGETA on 2016-05-30 06:37:05 UTC
no one knows?!
Asked by VEGETA on 2016-05-31 00:38:33 UTC
Please do not spam the forum.
Asked by David Lu on 2016-05-31 07:40:07 UTC
I spam the forum? I didn't intend to if you think I am spamming it. I just post questions that I didn't find answer to within my search.
I am sorry for trouble.
Asked by VEGETA on 2016-06-01 01:59:59 UTC
Posting the question is not spamming the forum. Commenting multiple times with no additional information is.
Asked by David Lu on 2016-06-01 13:14:07 UTC
Were you able to answer for this question?
Asked by samiksha on 2018-02-25 20:35:49 UTC
Hi guys, even I require to detect dynamic obstacles in the gazebo? is there any package available? I need to detect the dynamic obstacle but not navigate through it. For navigation, I use another package. I require to know the obstacle velocity and position when detected along with its radius. Please post the answer if you know anything about it?
Asked by Nagarjun on 2020-10-15 17:10:02 UTC