uwsim_binary: symbol lookup error robot_state_publisher
Installed uwsim on Ubuntu 14.04 through apt-get. Got this when running rosrun uwsim uwsim
/opt/ros/jade/lib/uwsim/uwsim_binary: symbol lookup error: /opt/ros/jade/lib/libuwsim.so: undefined symbol: _ZN21robot_state_publisher19RobotStatePublisherC1ERKN3KDL4TreeERKN4urdf5ModelE
I use ros-jade-desktop-full
package, installed through apt-get
Asked by msporyshev on 2016-05-24 22:45:10 UTC
You are probably using an old version of robot-state-publisher and its interface changed after it was installed. Try updating it using:
sudo apt-get install ros-jade-robot-state-publisher
That should solve it.
Asked by Javier Perez on 2016-05-25 04:10:21 UTC