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Turn the robot using the odometry message

asked 2016-05-24 13:01:50 -0500

horczech gravatar image

I want to create function turn where I will enter some angle and the robot would turn using the odometry message. I have a problem with waiting for odometry message, because the fuction will be called with the theta_current = 0, which is initial value. I thought that if I use function waitForMessage and afterwards spinOnce, I should get the current value. But I am wrong and I have no idea how to solve that problem. And yes I did a lot of googling but I found only the examples using tf.

//global variables
    double x_current = 0; //used to move
    double y_current = 0; //used to move
    double theta_current = 0; //used to move

    int main(int argc, char **argv)
      ros::init(argc, argv, "robot_node");
      ros::NodeHandle n;

      velocity_pub = n.advertise<geometry_msgs::Twist>("/robot1/cmd_vel", 1000);

        ros::Subscriber sub = n.subscribe("/robot1/odom",1000,getOdom);


        turn(90.0, 0.2, 1);

      ros::Rate r(10);

      return 0;

    void set_velocities(float lin_vel, float ang_vel)
        geometry_msgs::Twist msg;
        msg.linear.x = lin_vel;
        msg.angular.z = ang_vel;


    void turn(float angleDeg, double angularSpeed, int direction)
        float currentAngleDeg = theta_current*M_PI/180; //convert current angle in radians to degrees
        float endAngle = currentAngleDeg + currentAngleDeg;
        ros::Rate rate(10);
        while(currentAngleDeg < endAngle)
            set_velocities(0.0, 0.2);

        set_velocities(0.0, 0.0);

    void getOdom(const nav_msgs::Odometry::ConstPtr& msg)
        theta_current = msg->twist.twist.angular.z;
        x_current = msg->pose.pose.position.x;
        y_current = msg->pose.pose.position.y;
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There are many funky things going on here, but one of the important ones is that msg->twist.twist.angular.z is the angular velocity, not the orientation. In other words, you are reading the wrong field of the Odometry message. Try msg->pose.pose.orientation instead.

spmaniato gravatar image spmaniato  ( 2016-05-24 14:51:24 -0500 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2016-05-25 17:30:40 -0500

jacobperron gravatar image

updated 2016-05-25 17:34:25 -0500

Try using tf to get the robot's yaw from the odometry message, e.g.:

#include <tf/transform_datatypes.h>
void getOdom(const nav_msgs::Odometry::ConstPtr& msg)
    theta_current = tf::getYaw(msg->pose.pose.orientation);
    x_current = msg->pose.pose.position.x;
    y_current = msg->pose.pose.position.y;

EDIT: I guess you were looking for a way not using the tf library? Regardless, you'll need a way to transform the msg->pose.pose.orientation (a Quaternion) into the robot's yaw angle. If you don't want to use tf , you could try implementing your own conversion function. Here's the math:

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Asked: 2016-05-24 13:01:50 -0500

Seen: 2,235 times

Last updated: May 25 '16