RGB pixel to depth map
I'm using an Asus Xtion Pro, and trying to find the depth value for an rgb pixel. Currently, my ROS node subscribes to the topics camera/rgb/image_raw and camera/depth/image. The frames of these topics are not identical, so how do I find the corresponding depth value for some rgb value?
Moreover, are there some openni2_launch topics for depth and rgb that are in the same frame? And are the depth values from camera/depth/image in meters or some other unit?
Asked by atp on 2016-05-20 16:11:39 UTC
First you can use this topic /camera/depth_registered/disparity
in which the camera itself rectifies and aligns the depth and color images (depth to color) then you can find the corresponding depth information of the rgb value.
Or you can use another topic called the registered point cloud: /camera/depth_registered/points
it looks like this:
Asked by ROSkinect on 2016-05-21 15:52:18 UTC