two lasers with hector slam
Hello every one
I am new with ROS i want to use to lasers with hector slam ( hokuyo and LMS) at the same time . i alreandy changed the name of the topics to scan0 and scan1
but the hector slam node is subscribed to "scan", do i need to change the names of the variables (what ares the variables that are sent to scan0 and scan1) and than i send them to scan otherwise how can i create a node to subsrcibe in two topics and than send assiciate the datas and send them back to scan
thank you .
Asked by aziz on 2016-05-17 06:42:39 UTC
You can publish both to the scan topic. The sensor_msgs/Laserscan message that both sensors use contain the data that the hector_mapping needs, specifically the frame IDs of the sensors. I have not tried using two sensors with hector_mapping myself, but as long as you have you transform tree set up properly I think it should work.
Alternatively, you can use the relay node of the topic_tools package to subscribe to both scan0 and scan1 and republish the data to scan, although that would result in more overhead.
Asked by Icehawk101 on 2016-05-17 07:48:42 UTC