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Using native H264 webcam compression with usb_cam

For those of us streaming video over a bandwidth limited wireless connection for teleop purposes, video compression is really important. I'm aware of the x264imagetransport plugin by IntRo Lab (, which is great, but it still uses quite a bit of CPU. I'm experimenting with the Logitech 920, which has onboard H264 compression. Is there any way to stream H264 from the camera and pipe it directly into the /camera/image_raw/x264 topic?

Asked by zacwitte on 2016-04-26 17:45:27 UTC


I don't think any of the camera drivers support incoming x264 by default. You could probably modify the driver to output an x264 topic which comes from the camera and is compatible with the x264 transport.

Asked by ahendrix on 2016-04-26 18:16:30 UTC
