Can't resolve package dependencies when building ros for Ubuntu 16.04
I read ros will be officially available for Ubuntu 16.04 in July, so I tried to build it from source as described here. Unfortunately it can't resolve some package dependencies:
~/ros_catkin_ws » rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro jade -y
ERROR: the following packages/stacks could not have their rosdep keys resolved
to system dependencies:
image_geometry: No definition of [libopencv-dev] for OS version [xenial]
python_qt_binding: No definition of [python-qt-bindings] for OS version [xenial]
rqt_pose_view: No definition of [python-qt-bindings-gl] for OS version [xenial]
rqt_plot: No definition of [python-qt-bindings-qwt5] for OS version [xenial]
qt_gui: No definition of [python-qt-bindings] for OS version [xenial]
cv_bridge: No definition of [libopencv-dev] for OS version [xenial]
I tried to resolve those dependencies by myself and installed libopencv-dev and python-qt-binding through apt-get. This did not change anything. What should I do now?
EDIT: There are dependencies missing to install ros under Ubuntu 16.04. Those dependencies, like pcl, need to be, too. If it is not too urgent to use ros under Ubuntu 16.04, I would recommend to wait until July, for when the official release for Ubuntu 16.04 is announced.