Package not found with roslocate.
So I was trying to install form source and, as far as I understand from here I first need to run roslocate to find the source.
But I get:
odroid@odroid:~/ros_catkin_ws$ roslocate info ar_pose
Using ROS_DISTRO: jade
Not found via rosdistro - falling back to information provided by rosdoc
error contacting :
HTTP Error 404: Not Found
error contacting :
HTTP Error 404: Not Found
cannot locate information about ar_pose
I gather I could also install the package from source, but I want to be able to install it the "normal" way, using roslocate.
It seems like the URLs it pools are out of date (explainable, since I'm using ROS preinstalled on an OS image) but I wouldn't know exactly how to update them.
Thank you very much, Vlad R.