Can't launch libuvc_camera
I'm trying to use libuvc_camera to get my usb camera working on a nodelet to reduce CPU usage, but I'm having a lot of trouble. I've brute-forced my way through most of my problems, but now I'm stonewalled. Every time I try to boot the launch file I just get
unsupported descriptor subtype: 3
unsupported descriptor subtype: 3
uvc_get_stream_ctrl_format_size: Invalid mode (-51)
Here's my launch file:
<group ns="camera">
<node pkg="libuvc_camera" type="camera_node" name="mycam">
<!-- Parameters used to find the camera -->
<param name="vendor" value="0x2560"/>
<param name="product" value="0xc110"/>
<param name="serial" value="32C0D5400"/>
<!-- If the above parameters aren't unique, choose the first match: -->
<param name="index" value="0"/>
<!-- Image size and type -->
<param name="width" value="1280"/>
<param name="height" value="960"/>
<!-- choose whichever uncompressed format the camera supports: -->
<param name="video_mode" value="yuyv"/> <!-- uncompressed/yuyv/nv12/jpeg -->
<param name="frame_rate" value="10"/>
<param name="timestamp_method" value="start"/> <!-- start of frame -->
<param name="camera_info_url" value="file:///home/usr/.ros/camera_info/calibration.txt"/>
<param name="auto_exposure" value="1"/> <!-- use aperture_priority auto exposure -->
<param name="auto_white_balance" value="false"/>
And here is the error:
process[camera/mycam-1]: started with pid [22107]
unsupported descriptor subtype: 3
unsupported descriptor subtype: 3
uvc_get_stream_ctrl_format_size: Invalid mode (-51)
[ERROR] [1460040590.634224143]: check video_mode/width/height/frame_rate are available
[camera/mycam-1] process has died [pid 22107, exit code -11, cmd /home/davelkan/locus/babbage/devel/lib/libuvc_camera/camera_node __name:=mycam __log:=/home/davelkan/.ros/log/48edeb92-fc35-11e5-9a05-0862664a2a25/camera-mycam-1.log].
log file: /home/davelkan/.ros/log/48edeb92-fc35-11e5-9a05-0862664a2a25/camera-mycam-1*.log
all processes on machine have died, roslaunch will exit
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete
And here's the relevant data from lsusb -v
Bus 004 Device 013: ID 2560:c110
Device Descriptor:
bLength 18
bDescriptorType 1
bcdUSB 3.00
bDeviceClass 239 Miscellaneous Device
bDeviceSubClass 2 ?
bDeviceProtocol 1 Interface Association
bMaxPacketSize0 9
idVendor 0x2560
idProduct 0xc110
bcdDevice 0.00
iManufacturer 1 e-con Systems
iProduct 2 e-con's 1MP Monochrome Camera
iSerial 3 2C0D5400
I have confirmed my device is uvc compliant
I have confirmed uvc is correctly installed
I have successfully gotten this camera working with usb_cam
Asked by davelkan on 2016-04-07 09:46:43 UTC
I'm having the exact same issue with the exact same camera!
I've tried removing everything from the launch file that might conflict and still no luck. The uvc_camera library does work, but doesn't give me access to the exposure settings of this camera.
Did you ever get it working?
Asked by psammut on 2017-07-16 14:26:44 UTC