where does {catkin_LIBRARIES} refer to, in package [closed]
hi guys, i am learning tutorial catkinCMakeLists.txt , but i only understand the variable ${PROJECT_NAME}.
there are still lots of variables i do not understand or sure about it, like:
where do
${catkin_LIBRARIES} (is that ~/work_space/src/package_name/include ??)
${${PROJECT_NAME}_SRCS}) (is that ~/work_space/src/package_name/src ??)
locate in
and catkin_package( INCLUDE_DIRS include (is that ~/work_space/src/package_name/include ??)
LIBRARIES ${PROJECT_NAME} (??? where it is???)
CATKIN_DEPENDS roscpp (haha i understand this, it's refer to location of ros package, like roscpp is /opt/ros/indigo/share/roscpp)
DEPENDS eigen opencv) (should cmake projects under the path ~/work_space/src, before i use find_package marco ?)