mongodb_store Exit code=48

asked 2016-03-14 02:32:44 -0500

nishthapa gravatar image

updated 2018-07-27 06:04:47 -0500

Guys, I am planning to record topics with mongodb_store package but i am getting this error on executing rosrun mongodb_store :

[WallTime: 1457944001.179261] MongoDB process stopped!
ERROR] [WallTime: 1457944001.179676] Mongo process error! Exit code=48
[`INFO] [WallTime: 1457944001.181047] Shutting down datacentre`
[WARN] [WallTime: 1457944001.181649] It looks like Mongo already died. Watch out as the DB might need recovery time at next run.

What should i do ?

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130s gravatar image 130s  ( 2016-03-14 04:08:48 -0500 )edit