the message of the topic '/g500/pose' and '/uwsim/girona500_odom' is not correct
The position of AUV is fixed. But when I echo the topic '/g500/pose' and '/uwsim/girona500_odom', the position message given by them is not correct. For example, the fixed position of AUV is (0,0,0) and the position message given by those two topic is (0,0,z) z is increasing.
When I delete the sentence
topic /g500/pose /topic
vehicleName girona500 /vehicleName
/ROSPoseToPAT by modifying the scene file. the position message given by '/uwsim/girona500odom' is correct and the position message given by '/g500/pose' is not correct. Then I run the command rosrun uwsim setDynamicVehicleVelocity /g500/thrustersinput # # # # # the vehicle does not move but when I echo the topic '/g500/thrusters_input', input exist. I don't know why.
Asked by ZYS on 2016-02-17 11:42:30 UTC
sorry about that, this is a stupid question. I know that the AUV is sinking so that z position is increasing
Asked by ZYS on 2016-02-17 13:51:35 UTC
When I run $ rostopic echo /g500/pose I dont receive any messages.
Asked by murdock on 2019-03-20 10:12:39 UTC