rgbd_launch in Kinect Xbox 360 model 1414
hello there,
i got this kind of weird error..
i've succeed install all drivers for kinect Xbox 360 model 1414, i've tried the sample in nite package (nite/NITE-Bin-Dev-Linux-x64-v1.5.2.23/Samples/Bin) and it works fine!
but in ROS i want to make use for kinectframe.launch (which is in rgbdlaunch right now) ros tutorial in here.
but right after i type in terminal : roslaunch rgbd_launch kinect_frame.launch
. it showed in terminal no ERROR at all, but it didn't showed anything (i suppose there should be shown up a camera view or something). the output in terminal like this :
* /rosdistro: indigo
* /rosversion: 1.11.16
camera_base_link (tf/static_transform_publisher)
camera_base_link1 (tf/static_transform_publisher)
camera_base_link2 (tf/static_transform_publisher)
camera_base_link3 (tf/static_transform_publisher)
core service [/rosout] found
process[camera_base_link-1]: started with pid [11935]
process[camera_base_link1-2]: started with pid [11936]
process[camera_base_link2-3]: started with pid [11938]
process[camera_base_link3-4]: started with pid [11953]
this is kinect_frame.launch
<!-- Default frames for Kinect/PSDK5 devices
Places depth and RGB cameras in the same plane with 2.5cm baseline.
Calibration may improve results, but these defaults are reasonably accurate.
<arg name="camera" default="camera" />
<arg name="tf_prefix" default="" />
<arg name="pi/2" value="1.5707963267948966" />
<arg name="optical_rotate" value="0 0 0 -$(arg pi/2) 0 -$(arg pi/2)" />
<node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name="$(arg camera)_base_link"
args="0 -0.02 0 0 0 0 $(arg tf_prefix)/$(arg camera)_link $(arg tf_prefix)/$(arg camera)_depth_frame 100" />
<node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name="$(arg camera)_base_link1"
args="0 -0.045 0 0 0 0 $(arg tf_prefix)/$(arg camera)_link $(arg tf_prefix)/$(arg camera)_rgb_frame 100" />
<node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name="$(arg camera)_base_link2"
args="$(arg optical_rotate) $(arg tf_prefix)/$(arg camera)_depth_frame $(arg tf_prefix)/$(arg camera)_depth_optical_frame 100" />
<node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name="$(arg camera)_base_link3"
args="$(arg optical_rotate) $(arg tf_prefix)/$(arg camera)_rgb_frame $(arg tf_prefix)/$(arg camera)_rgb_optical_frame 100" />
<!-- TODO Could instead store these in camera_pose_calibration format for consistency
with user calibrations. Blocked on camera_pose_calibration having sane dependencies. -->
so, is it an error or.... it just like that then?
Asked by adelleodel on 2016-02-07 20:14:01 UTC