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modify turtle_teleop_key to control mavros


I wonder make a node to send control information to mavros.

So I modify the teleopturtlekey.cpp which is a node with turtlesim example.

What I modify is it's publisher topic "turtle1/cmd_vel" into "/mavros/setpointattitude/cmdvel".

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But! when I push the botton on my keyboard, the "teleopturtlekey" node crush everytime and shows error.

[ERROR LOG]=========================================== image description

[ERROR LOG]===========================================

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How could I solve it ? I have been tried to modify datatype but not works.

Asked by YingHua on 2016-01-28 21:12:47 UTC


I finally know why I can't make it work. Because of the data types are different. :)

Asked by YingHua on 2016-03-07 05:02:23 UTC
