UR5 test_move.py smooth trajectory
I'm using trajOpt to generate collision-free trajectories for a Universal Robots UR5. In the test_move.py
example in urdriver, joint angles are given in the form `JointTrajectoryPoint(positions=Q1, velocities=[0]*6, timefromstart=rospy.Duration(2.0)). When the arm moves between these points, there is a delay caused by
timefromstart. How can I modify these points to get a smooth trajectory instead? Does the
velocitylist define the maximum joint velocities? Could I enter a value there and remove
timefrom_start`? What would a reasonable limit be? I don't want it to move very fast.
I'd also like to implement safety features. Do the safety settings set from the teach pendant (like boundaries) apply when sending commands through ROS? Also, is there a way to have the arm stop if it bumps something? Reduce the maximum force in the General Limits tab in Safety Configuration?
Asked by matt on 2016-01-28 14:04:15 UTC