depth_image_proc register issue
I'd like to use the depthimageproc pipeline to create point cloud xyzrgb using a RGBD camera. I calibrated rgb and ir camera and used imageproc to rectify them. Now I would like to register depth image to the frame of the rgb camera. All input topics are up - depth image, depth camera info, rgb camera info and the required tf is also there. The topics depthregistered/camerainfo and depthregistered/image_rect are generated, but they are empty.
The question is why?
Asked by RodBelaFarin on 2016-01-26 08:34:19 UTC
How'd you calibrate the IR camera?
Asked by Icehawk101 on 2016-03-30 10:51:50 UTC
I used Kinect2 calibration as basis: and adjusted it for my application.
Asked by RodBelaFarin on 2016-03-30 12:00:49 UTC
What camera are you using?
Asked by Icehawk101 on 2016-03-30 12:02:40 UTC
I used Intel RealSense
Asked by RodBelaFarin on 2016-03-30 12:46:50 UTC
I am using a Realsense F200. Could you upload the adapted calibration package so I could look it over please?
Asked by Icehawk101 on 2016-03-30 13:40:25 UTC