Writing a Simple Subscriber
I went through the ROS tutorial for writing a simple publisher and subscriber with the '/chatter' topic, and I'm able to successfully subscribe to the 'chatter' topic and respond with the chatterCallback.
I wish to implement this simple subscriber with another existing ROS topic, called '/points', which is a PointCloud2 message. This topic shows up when I type 'rostopic list' and 'rostopic echo /points'. However, the subscriber will not respond when I change the topic from '/chatter' to '/points'.
I already modified the CMakeLists.txt and package.xml file to add the 'sensor_msgs' package as a build and run dependency. Is there something else I need to do?
There likely are other things you need to do... If you are in C++, you'll need to include new files, change templates and callback signatures, and recompile your workspace. It would be helpful to see your code, and if it is C++, your CMakeLists.txt