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How can I move a dynamixel AX-12A motor with a python script? [closed]

asked 2016-01-19 16:16:11 -0500

jaron gravatar image

I want to move two dynamixel ax-12a motors, one as pan and the other as tilt. Writing the comands in the shell works fine e.g. rostopic pub -1 /pan_controller/command std_msgs/Float64 -- 1.5

Now I want to move them by writing a python srcipt but I don't know which command I need to use. Thanks for your help!

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Closed for the following reason the question is answered, right answer was accepted by jaron
close date 2016-01-24 02:51:19.635879

1 Answer

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answered 2016-01-21 11:31:45 -0500

jorge gravatar image

Just publish on /pan_controller/command messages of type std_msgs/Float64. Here)'s how to.

Line 7 would look like:

pub = rospy.Publisher('/pan_controller/command', Float64, queue_size=10)

and 13 like:

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Thank you :) That's what I also found out...

jaron gravatar image jaron  ( 2016-01-24 02:46:36 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2016-01-19 16:16:11 -0500

Seen: 611 times

Last updated: Jan 21 '16