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Error creating a custom message in rosjava


I'm doing some experiments using the rosjava package downloaded by the repository. I want to create a custom service, so I created a new folder called my_service_msgs, the msg and srv subfolders and the CMakeLists.txt and package.xml files. I included also my new package inside the rosjava_messages folder (I added a line inside the CMakeLists.txt and package.xml). When I run catkin_make everything works fine and the jar file is created. But when I try to add a new service in a generic java project (the java project is inside the rosjava package, for my experiment I'm using the rosjava_tutorial_services package) I receive this error: package error: package my_service_msgs does not exist.

Can you suggest me a correct way to create service inside a rosjava environment?

I'm using rosjava indigo version.

Thank you

Asked by denis on 2016-01-07 06:14:48 UTC

