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Using two cameras for uvc_camera stereo_node.launch


i wish to use 2 web cams as stereo cams using uvc_camera.I have attached the cameras to my usb port.

when i try to run "roslaunch ./stereo_node.launch " I get following error:

process[uvccamerastereo-2]: started with pid [30665] terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtimeerror' what(): unable to start capture [uvccamerastereo-2] process has died [pid 30665, exit code -6, cmd /home/hrishikesh/catkinws/devel/lib/uvccamera/uvcstereonode _name:=uvccamerastereo _log:=/home/hrishikesh/.ros/log/8da03f0a-a29f-11e5-95b8-4cbb581d7af3/uvccamerastereo-2.log]. log file: /home/hrishikesh/.ros/log/8da03f0a-a29f-11e5-95b8-4cbb581d7af3/uvccamera_stereo-2*.log

has anyone came across similar problem? waiting for your reply.

Asked by kaygudo on 2015-12-14 15:17:24 UTC



Did you have the answer for this problem? I'm searching for this too.

Asked by vitorsmends on 2021-11-25 00:27:09 UTC
