Confusing parameters in base_local_planner
Hi all,
I'm running ROS distribution indigo and I'm quite confused in the baselocalplanner parameters.
Based on the official wiki page(, the only parameter for in-place rotation is "mininplaceveltheta".
But in my experiment, things are quite different. I found:
- maxveltheta & minveltheta seems effect the in-place rotation vel when the robot start moving to a goal.
- maxrotationalvel (this parameter is not listed in the wiki page, I found it in the src code) seems effect the in-place rotation vel when the robot reached to a goal.
- I don't know what the parameter "mininplaceveltheta" exactly.. but in the following code, it looks like the correct parameter name SHOULD be "mininplacerotationalvel"
Those parameter names is so confused to me. Any comment??
Kevin Kuei
Asked by on 2015-12-14 02:28:41 UTC