Hello, I was able to run the third tutorial, mapping the example world provided in simulation. At this point, I tried to create a map playing a bag recorded with our robot (the bag seems ok since I was able to use it both with hector_slam and gmapping). The launch file adopted is the following:
<param name="use_sim_time" value="true" />
<rosparam file="ros.yaml"/>
<!-- Start Mapper to genreate map from laser scans -->
<node name="Mapper" pkg="nav2d_karto" type="mapper">
<remap from="scan" to="scan_front"/>
<rosparam file="mapper.yaml"/>
<!-- RVIZ to view the visualization -->
<node name="RVIZ" pkg="rviz" type="rviz" args=" -d $(find nav2d_tutorials)/param/tutorial3.rviz" />
where ros.yaml is:
# Defines topics services and frames for all modules
### TF frames #############################################
laser_frame: base_front_laser_link
robot_frame: base_link
odometry_frame: odom
offset_frame: offset
map_frame: map
### ROS topics ############################################
map_topic: map
laser_topic: scan_front
### ROS services ##########################################
map_service: static_map
and mapper.yaml is:
### Mapper ################################################
grid_resolution: 0.1
range_threshold: 10.0
map_update_rate: 5
publish_pose_graph: true
max_covariance: 0.01
transform_publish_period: 0.1
min_map_size: 20
### Localizer #############################################
min_particles: 2500
max_particles: 10000
### Karto #################################################
# For a full list of available parameters and their
# corresponding default values, see OpenKarto/OpenMapper.h
MinimumTravelDistance: 1.0
MinimumTravelHeading: 0.52
LoopSearchMaximumDistance: 10.0
However, when I run the launch file, I repeatedly get the following error:
[/Mapper ERROR 1447255247.422253465, 1446138392.065241589]: LaserRangeFinder::Validate() - LocalizedRangeScan contains 450 range readings, expected 451
[/Mapper ERROR 1447255247.473642245, 1446138392.166068413]: LaserRangeFinder::Validate() - LocalizedRangeScan contains 450 range readings, expected 451
[/Mapper ERROR 1447255247.523607012, 1446138392.266683794]: LaserRangeFinder::Validate() - LocalizedRangeScan contains 450 range readings, expected 451
[/Mapper ERROR 1447255247.573577659, 1446138392.367428587]: LaserRangeFinder::Validate() - LocalizedRangeScan contains 450 range readings, expected 451
[/Mapper ERROR 1447255247.573836632, 1446138392.367428587]: LaserRangeFinder::Validate() - LocalizedRangeScan contains 450 range readings, expected 451
[/Mapper ERROR 1447255247.624776753, 1446138392.468281149]: LaserRangeFinder::Validate() - LocalizedRangeScan contains 450 range readings, expected 451
[/Mapper ERROR 1447255247.674386008, 1446138392.569080442]: LaserRangeFinder::Validate() - LocalizedRangeScan contains 450 range readings, expected 451
[/Mapper ERROR 1447255247.724970486, 1446138392.669702679]: LaserRangeFinder::Validate() - LocalizedRangeScan contains 450 range readings, expected 451
[/Mapper ERROR 1447255247.775455585, 1446138392.770533571]: LaserRangeFinder::Validate() - LocalizedRangeScan contains 450 range readings, expected 451
[/Mapper ERROR 1447255247.775564465, 1446138392.770533571]: LaserRangeFinder::Validate() - LocalizedRangeScan contains 450 range readings, expected 451
Am I missing something or there is a problem with the code?
Thank you so much for your help!
Asked by g_gemignani on 2015-11-11 10:55:33 UTC
Asked by mgruhler on 2015-11-13 04:12:44 UTC