Build failed in Jenkins with KeyError
my package 'innok_heros_gazebo' fails to build in Jenkins with KeyError.
Here some snippets of the traceback:
See <,UBUNTU_PARAM=trusty,label=devel/2/changes>
/* ... snip ... */
Get build dependencies of repo list
Get the dependencies of source folder /tmp/test_repositories/src_repository
In folder /tmp/test_repositories/src_repository, found packages: innok_heros_gazebo
Install build dependencies of repo list: catkin, gazebo_plugins, gazebo_ros, gazebo_ros_control, innok_heros_description, robot_state_publisher, xacro, rviz
Could not find innok_heros_description in keys. Have keys DB [key, abb,
*/...snip... a long list of keys where innok_heros_description is not mentioned/*
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "< innok_heros_gazebo/ARCH_PARAM=amd64,UBUNTU_PARAM=trusty,label=devel/ws/jenkins_scripts/devel",> line 43, in <module>
File "<,UBUNTU_PARAM=trusty,label=devel/ws/jenkins_scripts/devel",> line 37, in main
File "<,UBUNTU_PARAM=trusty,label=devel/ws/jenkins_scripts/",> line 69, in test_repositories
sudo, no_chroot)
File "<,UBUNTU_PARAM=trusty,label=devel/ws/jenkins_scripts/",> line 134, in _test_repositories
apt_get_install(repo_build_dependencies, rosdep_resolver, sudo)
File "<,UBUNTU_PARAM=trusty,label=devel/ws/jenkins_scripts/",> line 28, in apt_get_install
pkgs = rosdep.to_aptlist(pkgs)
File "<,UBUNTU_PARAM=trusty,label=devel/ws/jenkins_scripts/",> line 44, in to_aptlist
for a in self.to_apt(r):
File "<,UBUNTU_PARAM=trusty,label=devel/ws/jenkins_scripts/",> line 57, in to_apt
return self.r2a[ros_entry]
KeyError: 'innok_heros_description'
'innok_heros_description' is a run dependency of 'innok_heros_gazebo' and I added both packages to indigo/distribution.yaml without the release tag because I still have to perform the prerelease tests. Will the missing key 'innok_heros_descripion' appear in the key DB when the package is released?