Why does (local) logging using ROS_* not work after a node shutdown was triggered?
I would like to know why logging using the ROS* calls stops working after a shutdown was requested (ctrl+c, requestShutdown, ...). The docu is clearly mentioning that after the shutdown() method returns no network communication is available. In other words when the typical while (nh.ok) { ... }
loop returns. This will prevent any ROS* call being sent to a remote console (rqt_console etc.).
I am interested in local logging into the console of the node. See this little example:
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
ros::init(argc, argv, "example");
ros::NodeHandle nh;
// do some serious initializations
ROS_INFO("everything is setup.");
while (nh.ok()) {
// ROS_* call do not work here anymore
ROS_INFO("I will never make it to console");
std::cerr << "but I will" << std::endl;
return 0;
I expected the logging calls after the loop to at least print something on the console. Is there any way to make this happen? I would like to cover the process of destructing objects with debug/info output without switching to std::cerr.
Regards, Hannes
Asked by anonymous4756 on 2015-08-27 03:04:08 UTC