How to convert velodyne_packets to velodyne_points to view in rviz?
I am currently working with the VLP-16 and am having some issues. I have saved our lidar (with external GPS) data into a pcap file using Wireshark.I converted it into a bag file, but am unable to play it in RViz since it only contains velodyne_packets.
So far, I've launched the cloudnodelet in the velodynepointcloud package, but this did not work. It did create a node when I used rostopic list. How can I convert velodynepackets to velodynepoints in order to view the file in RViz?
Asked by eubik on 2015-08-26 13:08:34 UTC
You're close, the cloud node or nodelet will do what you want.
In addition to that program, you need to run rosbag play on the file where you saved /velodyne_packets
, something like this:
rosrun rosbag play --clock saved_velodyne_packets.bag
Asked by joq on 2015-08-27 13:52:48 UTC
When I run the cloud node ( rosrun velodyne_pointcloud cloud_node _calibration:=/home/abe/velodyne/src/velodyne-master/velodyne_pointcloud/params/VLP16db.yaml ) it runs until I start playing the rosbag that contains the velodye_packets. it does a core dump when i try. Any suggestions?
Asked by dwolfe on 2015-10-26 22:07:09 UTC
There may be a bug in the velodyne_pointcloud package. VLP-16 support is recent and not yet released, so it's not as well tested as the other device models. Please open an issue here: .
Asked by joq on 2015-10-27 12:41:27 UTC