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ethz_icp_mapper indigo process crashes at start

Hi all, I have a 64-bit 14.04 ubuntu machine with Indigo and I'm trying to run the ethzaslicpmapper.

I installed libnabo and libpointmatcher through apt-get apt-get install ros-indigo-libnabo ros-indigo-libpointmatcher

and cloned the mapper from the github inside my workspace/src directory after checking out the ros-indigo-devel branch

When I run the mapper node with this:

        <node name="mapper" type="dynamic_mapper" pkg="ethzasl_icp_mapper" output="screen" >
                <remap from="cloud_in" to="/velodyne_points" />
                <param name="publishMapTf" value="true"/>
                <param name="localizing" value="true" />
                <param name="mapping" value="true" />
                <param name="subscribe_scan" value="false" />
                <param name="subscribe_cloud" value="true"/>
                <param name="odom_frame" value="velodyne" />
                <param name="sensorFrame" value="velodyne" />

I get this:

process[mapper-1]: started with pid [2110]
[ INFO] [1439485951.560531237]: Found parameter: publishMapTf, value: 1
[ WARN] [1439485951.560926630]: Cannot find value for parameter: useConstMotionModel, assigning default: 0
[ INFO] [1439485951.561273153]: Found parameter: localizing, value: 1
[ INFO] [1439485951.561608129]: Found parameter: mapping, value: 1
[ WARN] [1439485951.561953279]: Cannot find value for parameter: minReadingPointCount, assigning default: 2000
[ WARN] [1439485951.562287749]: Cannot find value for parameter: minMapPointCount, assigning default: 500
[ WARN] [1439485951.562602075]: Cannot find value for parameter: inputQueueSize, assigning default: 10
[ WARN] [1439485951.562946792]: Cannot find value for parameter: minOverlap, assigning default: 0.5
[ WARN] [1439485951.563258585]: Cannot find value for parameter: maxOverlapToMerge, assigning default: 0.9
[ WARN] [1439485951.563595202]: Cannot find value for parameter: tfRefreshPeriod, assigning default: 0.01
[ INFO] [1439485951.563926047]: Found parameter: odom_frame, value: velodyne
[ WARN] [1439485951.564259931]: Cannot find value for parameter: map_frame, assigning default: map
[ WARN] [1439485951.564568321]: Cannot find value for parameter: vtkFinalMapName, assigning default: finalMap.vtk
[ WARN] [1439485951.564879331]: Cannot find value for parameter: mapElevation, assigning default: 0
[ WARN] [1439485951.565185855]: Cannot find value for parameter: priorStatic, assigning default: 0.5
[ WARN] [1439485951.565494321]: Cannot find value for parameter: priorDyn, assigning default: 0.5
[ WARN] [1439485951.565798346]: Cannot find value for parameter: maxAngle, assigning default: 0.02
[ WARN] [1439485951.566112966]: Cannot find value for parameter: eps_a, assigning default: 0.05
[ WARN] [1439485951.566416220]: Cannot find value for parameter: eps_d, assigning default: 0.02
[ WARN] [1439485951.566751667]: Cannot find value for parameter: alpha, assigning default: 0.99
[ WARN] [1439485951.567062746]: Cannot find value for parameter: beta, assigning default: 0.99
[ WARN] [1439485951.567373167]: Cannot find value for parameter: maxDyn, assigning default: 0.95
[ WARN] [1439485951.567685759]: Cannot find value for parameter: maxDistNewPoint, assigning default: 0.1
[ WARN] [1439485951.573046951]: Cannot find value for parameter: useROSLogger, assigning default: 0
[ INFO] [1439485951.573508854]: No ICP config file given, using default
[ WARN] [1439485951.573954867]: Cannot find value for parameter: useROSLogger, assigning default: 0
[ INFO] [1439485951.574278206]: No input filters config file given, not using these filters
[ INFO] [1439485951.574599869]: No map pre-filters config file given, not using these filters
[ INFO] [1439485951.575341836]: No map post-filters config file given, not using these filters
[ INFO] [1439485951.576112927]: Found parameter: subscribe_scan, value: 0
[ INFO] [1439485951.576889013]: Found parameter: subscribe_cloud, value: 1
received new map
Adding time
[ INFO] [1439485963.882785766, 1438359389.356661530]: Processing new point cloud
[ INFO] [1439485963.882900881, 1438359389.356661530]: Input filters took 1.4269e-05 [s]
1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1
[ INFO] [1439485963.883234231, 1438359389.356661530]: Creating an initial map
Jumping map creation
copying map to ICP
[mapper-1] process has died [pid 2110, exit code -11, cmd /home/mcamurri/hyq-ws/devel/lib/ethzasl_icp_mapper/dynamic_mapper cloud_in:=/velodyne_points __name:=mapper __log:=/home/mcamurri/.ros/log/76a560f0-41dd-11e5-a57e-f8b156a6b274/mapper-1.log].
log file: /home/mcamurri/.ros/log/76a560f0-41dd-11e5-a57e-f8b156a6b274/mapper-1*.log
all processes on machine have died, roslaunch will exit
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete

There is no log file that matches the regular expression indicated in the end.

Any clue? It seems failing during the cloud copy. As you may noted I'm trying to use velodyne pointclouds as input

Asked by mark_vision on 2015-08-13 12:18:00 UTC


hi, have you found the solution of this issue? I have the almost same problem when I try to launch pmd_dynamic_mapper.launch file.

Asked by Muriel on 2019-10-07 07:52:12 UTC
