Reconstruction.yaml missing from stereo slam package
I am trying to use a stereo slam package from here,and by following the instructions, I completed the installation. I am trying to run this slam with drcsim Atlas bot, spawned in a gazebo vrc task environment.
Now, by editing the demo.launch file of the package, I can link the stereo_slam package to subscribe to topics which provide with the stereo pair of images. The edited launch file
<arg name="bagfile" default="/tmp/ROS.bag"/>
<!-- Setup the camera -->
<arg name="camera" default="/multisense_sl/camera/"/>
<param name="/use_sim_time" value="true"/>
<!-- Play the bagfile -->
<node pkg="rosbag" type="play" name="rosbag" args="--clock $(arg bagfile)"/>
<!-- Run the stereo image proc -->
<group ns="$(arg camera)">
<node pkg="stereo_image_proc" type="stereo_image_proc" name="stereo_image_proc" />
<!-- Run the visual odometry: You can choose between viso2 and fovis -->
<node pkg="viso2_ros" type="stereo_odometer" name="stereo_odometer">
<remap from="stereo" to="$(arg camera)"/>
<remap from="image" to="image_color"/>
<param name="base_link_frame_id" value="/pelvis"/>
<!--node pkg="fovis_ros" type="stereo_odometer" name="fovis">
<remap from="stereo" to="$(arg camera)"/>
<remap from="image" to="image_color"/>
<param name="base_link_frame_id" value="/pelvis"/>
<!-- Stereo SLAM -->
<node pkg="stereo_slam" type="localization" name="slam" output="screen">
<!-- Working directory -->
<param name="work_dir" value="/home/tonystark/freelancing/Atlas_slam/slam/" />
<!-- Topic parameters -->
<param name="odom_topic" value="stereo_odometer/odometry"/>
<param name="left_topic" value="$(arg camera)/left/image_color"/>
<param name="right_topic" value="$(arg camera)/right/image_color"/>
<param name="left_info_topic" value="$(arg camera)/left/camera_info"/>
<param name="right_info_topic" value="$(arg camera)/right/camera_info"/>
<!-- Min displacement between graph vertices (in meters) -->
<param name="min_displacement" value="0.25"/>
<!-- Descriptor type: SIFT or SURF -->
<param name="desc_type" value="SIFT"/>
<!-- Can be "CROSSCHECK" or "RATIO" -->
<param name="desc_matching_type" value="CROSSCHECK"/>
<!-- Descriptor threshold for crosscheck matching (typically between 0.7-0.9) or ratio for ratio matching (typically between 0.6-0.8). -->
<param name="desc_thresh_ratio" value="0.88" />
<!-- Minimum number of neighbors that will be skiped for the loop closure (tipically between 5-20, but depends on the frame rate) -->
<param name="min_neighbor" value="10" />
<!-- Get the n first candidates of the hash matching (tipically between 1-5) -->
<param name="n_candidates" value="5" />
<!-- Minimun number of descriptor matches to consider a matching as possible loop closure (>8) -->
<param name="min_matches" value="30" />
<!-- Minimum number of inliers to consider a matching as possible loop closure (>8) -->
<param name="min_inliers" value="15" />
<!-- Set to 0 for LinearSlam Solver with gauss-newton. Set to 1 for LinearSlam Solver with Levenberg -->
<param name="g2o_algorithm" value="0" />
<!-- Maximum number of iteration for the g2o algorithm -->
<param name="g2o_opt_max_iter" value="10" />
<!-- Pointcloud collector -->
<node pkg="stereo_slam" type="collector" name="collector" output="screen">
<param name="work_dir" value="/home/tonystark/freelancing/Atlas_slam/slam/" />
<param name="graph_topic" value="slam/graph"/>
<param name="cloud_topic" value="$(arg camera)/scaled/points2"/>
<rosparam file="$(find stereo_slam)/etc/reconstruction.yaml" />
When executing
roslaunch stereo_slam demo.launch
I get the following error
error loading <rosparam> tag:
file does not exist [/home/tonystark/lib_haloc/src/stereo_slam/etc/reconstruction.yaml]
XML is <rosparam file="$(find stereo_slam)/etc/reconstruction.yaml"/>
The traceback for the exception was written to the log file
Upon searching, neither directory /etc nor the file reconstruction.yaml exited. Has anybody made use of this package? If yes, can you please tell me how to solve this? Is it a file and folder I should create by myself? Thanks in advance
Asked by Tonystark124 on 2015-08-02 21:10:47 UTC
I met this problem too. Have you solved it?
Asked by yanmingz on 2015-08-28 00:27:58 UTC