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tf error base_link to map

asked 2015-07-30 09:33:14 -0500

jlimons gravatar image


I'm new in ROS and I need to continue a project. When i try to launch it, I've got this warning.

[ WARN] [1438259230.147675462, 875.589000000]: Waiting on transform from simplebot/base_link to map to become available before running costmap, tf error: . canTransform returned after 875.589 timeout was 0.1.

I don't know what does it mean and where to look. I've look on ROS answer but I didn't find anything which help me.

Here is the tf tree.

image description

If anyone can help me :).

Regards jlimons

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2 Answers

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answered 2015-07-30 12:01:45 -0500

updated 2015-07-30 20:25:36 -0500

The message is complaining that canTransform() is not able to get the relationship of simplebot/base_link to /map. This is because you only have a frame called "base_link" instead of "simplebot/base_link".

So modify your code by changing the arguments of canTransform().

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answered 2015-08-03 04:42:07 -0500

jlimons gravatar image

Thank you.

But I was checking in my catkin workspace where to find this canTransform().

~/catkin_ws$ sudo grep -Ri canTransform *

And I got his result :

Fichier binaire build/learning_tf/CMakeFiles/turtle_tf_broadcaster.dir/src/turtle_tf_broadcaster.cpp.o correspondant Fichier binaire devel/lib/learning_tf/turtle_tf_broadcaster correspondant

But I still don't know where I need to change this canTransform to put simplebot/base_link

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The key is to find which node want this tf relationship.

Po-Jen Lai gravatar image Po-Jen Lai  ( 2015-08-03 08:24:54 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2015-07-30 09:33:14 -0500

Seen: 1,852 times

Last updated: Aug 03 '15