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Kinect 2 : Failed to create opengl window


I'm trying to follow the iaikinect2 tutorial which uses kinect 2 for ROS.

I encountered a problem when executing rosrun kinect2bridge kinect2bridge where I have the following output:

parameter: basename: kinect2 sensor: fpslimit: -1 calibpath: /home/roma/kinect2ws/src/iaikinect2/kinect2bridge/data/ usepng: false jpegquality: 90 pnglevel: 1 depthmethod: opengl depthdevice: -1 regmethod: opencl regdevive: -1 maxdepth: 12 mindepth: 0.1 queuesize: 2 bilateralfilter: true edgeawarefilter: true publishtf: false basenametf: kinect2 worker_threads: 4

[OpenGLDepthPacketProcessor] Failed to create opengl window.

The main problem seems to be on the package of libfreenect2 which is a dependency of iai_kinect2.

I successfully installed libfreenect2, however, when executing ./bin/Protonect in the designated folder, I get the following information:

[Freenect2Impl] enumerating devices... [Freenect2Impl] 12 usb devices connected [Freenect2Impl] found valid Kinect v2 @4:7 with serial 034427151247 [Freenect2Impl] found 1 devices [OpenGLDepthPacketProcessor] Failed to create opengl window.

It seems that the core problem is with opengl, but I downloaded an Opengl tutorial from and can launch at least an blank opengl window without any problem.

Does anyone have any idea of what is happening here?

Thanks in advance!


Asked by Robopreneur on 2015-07-29 22:10:40 UTC


I am also getting the same error. Is anyone working in this?

Asked by KDROS on 2015-08-14 02:09:43 UTC

I have the same error too. Have you solved it?

Asked by smithers on 2015-08-31 07:03:48 UTC

@Robopreneur @smithers i'm working with the Kinect 2 and i was having a similar problem. When i ran the kinect2_viewer i just got worked the rgb camera, and for the ir/depth camera i just was seeing a black window. So, i installed the latest drivers for my graphic card and it solved my problem.

Asked by jaam002 on 2015-08-31 09:08:02 UTC

Where you able to solve this ? I am running into similar problem. I'm trying to run ibfreenect 2 on Intel NUC -NUC5i7RYH with Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS

Asked by pnambiar on 2016-04-12 13:50:13 UTC
