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Can I interrupt the UR5 movement/trajectory?

Hello, I am working with an older Version of the UR5 with CB1 Version 1.5.7849 and ROS Indigo.

I would like to perform a continuous move of one axis in one direction as long as I have a signal from a sensor. When the signal turns off, the robot should stop.

My problem with this is, that ROS always (?) requires an end-point of the trajectory. To handle that problem, I thought about performing a 360° spin of that one axis and stop the robot during execution of the path. Can I do that? Like to remove the last X waypoints of the trajectory? Something like a safety stop, but without turning the robot in safety mode. Thanks in advance, Veit

Asked by vighter on 2015-07-29 05:57:46 UTC


Could you specify which (if any) driver components you are using?

Asked by gvdhoorn on 2015-07-29 06:47:10 UTC

what do you mean by that? im currently controlling the UR5 through move_group if thats what you're asking.

Asked by vighter on 2015-07-29 07:14:10 UTC

How are you interfacing with your CB1 control box? Which ROS component do you use for that?

Asked by gvdhoorn on 2015-07-29 07:29:12 UTC

I installed the following packages: universal_robot, rviz, moveit,

the UR package connects to the robot via ethernet.

Asked by vighter on 2015-07-29 09:46:19 UTC
