Error with gripper action server client connection
I am trying to control the gripper of a 6 DOF arm(dynamixel based). The gripper is a 2 finger gripper controlled by a single dynamixel servo. I have generated the moveit config file using moveit setup assistant for the arm along with the gripper. Following are the settings:
Within moveit/config/controllers.yaml
- name: cool400_trajectory_controller
action_ns: follow_joint_trajectory
type: FollowJointTrajectory
default: true
- joint1
- joint2
- joint3
- joint4
- joint5
- joint6
- name: cool400_gripper_controller
action_ns: gripper_action
type: GripperCommand
default: true
- left_gripper_joint
I customized the gripper controller code written by 'Dave Coleman' and launched it along with moveit's move_group.launch I get the following error:
[ERROR] [1438173750.465511476]: Unknown controller type: 'Cool1000GripperCommand'
I checked if the action files are available inside the cool1000_msgs and found that Cool1000GripperCommand.action file exists.
Investigated further with the following results: Published static values to check if the gripper moves on sending commands to the corresponding dynamixel servo.
rostopic pub /gripper_controller/command std_msgs/Float64 "data: 0.0"
On doing this gripper is controllable.However, when the gripper is tried to be controlled via action client setup it does not work.
First launched the cool400_gripper_controller server which has the source code in the above mentioned link. Then launched the client which sends the commands to open/close the gripper.
Following are the errors:
[ERROR] [1438682672.723875634]: Unable to control end effector: servo not responding
[ERROR] [1438682672.723906583]: Failed to complete gripper action