android_tutorial_teleop building in android studio, Windows
I am working on Windows 7 / Android Studio 1.2.2 / JRE 1.8.0.
Trying to build (android_tutorial_teleop) package in [android_core]. Downloaded source from here. link text
Imported [android_core] in Android Studio.
Selected (android_tutorial_teleop) in "Selelct Run/Debug Configuration".
And pressed green "Run" button.
It build and launched in emulator.
[1] In emulator. This app is executed. Entered host IP address and pressed "Connect" button. But it crashed.
[2] I copied "android_tutorial_teleop-debug.apk" to my android phone. (from ../build/output/apk/) Installed it. Executed App. Entered host IP address and pressed "Connect" button. But it crashed also.
I searched similar issues in "". but couldn't find solution. I think "rosjava_core" is needed. But I don't know how to make it in Android Studio in Windows 7. What did I miss?
Thank you in advance.
Is there a reason you aren't using Linux? Windows is not entirely supported in ROS (at least to my knowledge).