what is the field of view of rgb image and depth image in kinect 1.0

asked 2015-07-27 19:33:52 -0500

Samer gravatar image

I am kinda new to ROS and Kinect. And this is suppose to have pretty simple answer. But, searching this, I have found many different answers.

According to this website: site:

The old Kinect has a color image resolution of 640 x 480 pixels with a fov of 62 x 48.6 degrees resulting in an average of about 10 x 10 pixels per degree.

and depth

The old Kinect has a depth image resolution of 320 x 240 pixels with a fov of 58.5 x 46.6 degrees resulting in an average of about 5 x 5 pixels per degree.

But, when I subscribe to /camera/depth/image_rect in my code based on Freenect driver, I get resolution of: 640x480 not 320x340! Also, on other websites such as wikipedia: I got this info :

The sensor has an angular field of view of 57° horizontally and 43° vertically,

I would really appreciate any comment. Thanks.

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