How to change rosbag record rate - how to undersample messages
I am running a complex system on ROS using an Asctec Pelican multirotor helicopter. I have node runing on the Asctec Atom Board and on ground station computers. The system transfert data over wifi. I have a multitude of message that I will want to record using rosbag.
Many messages such as /pose and /imu are at 250hz for control purpose. Using rosbag to record this data is kind of CPU heavy. Since I am not required to record the data at the computed rate (250hz) for display my results, is there a way to tell rosbag to record the data at a lower rate; is there a way to undersample the data ?
Best regards,
Asked by ETS-Dronolab on 2015-07-21 13:01:14 UTC
I'm not aware that rosbag can do this, but there is the throttle tools in topic_tools that throttles a topic to another one. You can record that and remap it later.
Asked by dornhege on 2015-07-21 13:38:51 UTC
Thats what I think also. I think that it should be a good tool to have. I supose this is not possible since if you broadcast back the bag in the system, it would not have the right rate.
Asked by ETS-Dronolab on 2015-07-21 14:27:03 UTC