Turtlebot teleop android app for indigo crashes when launched from Remocon app
I'm able to successfully pair with the Turtlebot, and launch the Chirp app. It appears only the Chirp app seems to work without crashing, as I hear the sound come from the Turtlebot. However, whenever I try to run any of the other apps, i.e. follower or teleop, I run into problems.
The app launches the activity and I briefly see the contents of the app on my screen, however half a second later it crashes. This only happens when running apps through the Rocon Remocon app. When I run Teleop by itself, the app does not crash, and is able to connect to the Turtlebot and display the battery information. The Turtlebot, however, does not respond to the joystick controls. I know that the robot is receiving the commands from the joystick, because I see it printed on my screen when I use rostopic echo. Running keyboard teleop locally on the robot works just fine.
Asked by ri144 on 2015-07-10 17:03:17 UTC
So I probably should have posted this several weeks ago, but I was able to get the apps working. I did need to uninstall the previous Hydro apps as mentioned above. I also found that in my version of the Teleop code, I had played around with it in Android Studio, there was a mistake in the xml where I had replaced the cameraview with a customview I made in another Java file, so that needed to be corrected for the android teleop to work for me.
Asked by ri144 on 2015-09-09 14:14:11 UTC
I have the same problem. May have to abandon Indigo and go back to Hydro.
Asked by StrongEnough on 2015-08-06 16:19:35 UTC
If you have hydro apps in your android device, you may need to completely remove them.
Asked by jihoonl on 2015-08-10 00:02:27 UTC