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Gmapping of custom robot

I am going to do mapping on a custom robot. After that, give a coordinate on the map to robot and let the robot move there without laserscan data. I am new in ros. In this process, I still unclear about many steps.

  1. When making the urdf of my robot, is it necessary to include a real kinect? Or can simply draw a box at the correct position?
  2. I am using gmapping and i know it is required odometry tf. If i am using encoder and imu, how to convert these data to odometry? What kinds of data needed? For imu, the data publish as navmsgs/Odometry or sensormsgs/Imu?
  3. After mapping, can i move robot on the map without kinect only depend on encoder and imu? The robot will moving on a static map which means no dynamic obstacle will appear.
  4. After mapping, what kind of coordinate to be given to robot to move the robot? For example, i have a ball at 2d coordinate (x,y) and height,z. How can i pass the coordinate to robot so that it will move to the desired place?

Thank in advance for your guidance.

Asked by SamTew on 2015-07-04 20:52:30 UTC



Hey I am also new to ROS, but I can answer to some of these questions:

  1. It is not necessary to create a real kinect, you can just realize a simple box. But the origin is important for your future tf, and to correctly link the kinect to the rest of the robot.

  2. Give more details about what is the output of your encoders.

  3. No, you still need the kinect to make it run on an known map, because amcl node subscribes to this /scan topic provided by the Kinect or laser you use. ( take a look to )

  4. After mapping you can give a position on your 2D map but you have to specify where is your initial position on the map first. Look at the autonomous navigation tutorial ( and the amcl_demo.launch for more details.

Hope it would help.

Asked by LexX on 2015-07-29 07:03:17 UTC


Hi, LexX. Last time i stop this project for awhile and now i am going to continue it again. Actually i am totally new and yet do not have good basic. If possible, can you tell me the procedure for mapping and navigation? Else tell me some website or tutorial that i can learn all the basic. Thanks.

Asked by SamTew on 2015-08-31 07:36:08 UTC