Unable to display Mesh as an interactive marker
I want to use a mesh as a marker. To do that, I changed basic_controls.py to :
marker.type = Marker.MESH_RESOURCE;
marker.mesh_resource = 'package://HexagonalPrism.STL'
(And added a from visualization_msgs.msg import *
at the top as well)
I get the following error
Error retrieving file [package://HexagonalPrism.STL]: Could not parse package:// format into file:// format
RViz screenshot : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-PF...
The same works fine if I do a simple marker:
marker = visualization_msgs.msg.Marker()
marker.type = visualization_msgs.msg.Marker.MESH_RESOURCE
marker.mesh_resource = 'package://HexagonalPrism.STL'
RViz : screenshot : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-PF...