Hokuyo urg_node documentation error
While looking over step 5. Command-Line Tools on the urgnode wiki ( http://wiki.ros.org/urgnode ) we noticed it referred to hokuyo node instead of urg_node.
$ rosrun hokuyo_node getID /dev/ttyACM0
Should this be changed to rosrun urgnode urgnode?
Asked by fantasticmsfo on 2015-06-25 10:05:08 UTC
Yup. The package and node names have changed. But, the getID node is still present in the newer package as seen through the package cmakelists. https://github.com/ros-drivers/urg_node/blob/indigo-devel/CMakeLists.txt
I havent tried it yet - so I dont know if they fixed this issue yet or not https://github.com/ros-drivers/urg_node/issues/9
Asked by ritwik1993 on 2015-06-25 13:29:20 UTC