Difficulty to use Laser scanner with URG_NODE
I am trying to get data from a hokuyo laser scanner model (UTM_30LX_EW). I have installed urg_node and all the related dependencies. To check the installation and following the urg_node page in ROS wiki, I run this code: rosrun hokuyo_node getID /dev/ttyUSB0
and I get "Error: package 'hokuyo_node' not found".
I tried to also install the hokuyo_node, but the cat_make failed. I should add my device does not show up on ttyACM0 but on the ttyUSB0. That's why I changed the code accordingly. Although, I guess that will cause some problems as well, so if you know how to make the device to be appeared as ttyACM0 instead of ttyUSB0 please let me know.
Thank you for your help