How to get an mjpeg stream with 30 fps? [closed]

asked 2015-06-08 16:49:18 -0500

updated 2015-06-08 18:31:20 -0500


I bought two webcam modules and they are said to be able to deliver 1280x720 with 30 frames per second with mjpg compression.

When I now set it up with libuvc_camera node:

<node pkg="libuvc_camera" type="camera_node" name="cam" required="true">
<!-- Parameters used to find the camera -->
<param name="vendor" value="0x0ac8"/>
<param name="product" value="0x3470"/>
<param name="serial" value=""/>
<!-- If the above parameters aren't unique, choose the first match: -->
<param name="index" value="0"/>

<!-- Image size and type -->
<param name="width" value="1280"/>
<param name="height" value="720"/>
<!-- choose whichever uncompressed format the camera supports: -->
<param name="video_mode" value="jpeg"/> <!-- format, yuyv (yuyv): YUYV, uyvy (uyvy): UYVY, rgb (rgb): RGB, jpeg   (jpeg): JPEG/MJPEG  -->
<param name="frame_rate" value="30"/>

<param name="timestamp_method" value="start"/> <!-- start of frame -->
<param name="camera_info_url" value=""/>

<param name="auto_exposure" value="0"/> <!-- use aperture_priority auto exposure -->
<param name="auto_white_balance" value="1"/>

I always get:

uvc_get_stream_ctrl_format_size: Invalid mode (-51) ================================================================================REQUIRED process [cam-2] has died! process has died ...

Also v4l2-ctl tells me it should able to stream that:

v4l2-ctl --list-formats-ext -d /dev/video1 
        Index       : 0
        Type        : Video Capture
        Pixel Format: 'MJPG' (compressed)
        Name        : MJPEG
                Size: Discrete 1280x720
                        Interval: Discrete 0.033s (30.000 fps)  <-------------- HERE
                Size: Discrete 640x480
                        Interval: Discrete 0.033s (30.000 fps)
                Size: Discrete 1600x1200
                        Interval: Discrete 0.067s (15.000 fps)
                Size: Discrete 800x600
                        Interval: Discrete 0.033s (30.000 fps)
                Size: Discrete 1920x1080
                        Interval: Discrete 0.067s (15.000 fps)

        Index       : 1
        Type        : Video Capture
        Pixel Format: 'YUYV'
        Name        : YUV 4:2:2 (YUYV)
                Size: Discrete 1280x720
                        Interval: Discrete 0.100s (10.000 fps)
                Size: Discrete 640x480
                        Interval: Discrete 0.033s (30.000 fps)
                Size: Discrete 352x288
                        Interval: Discrete 0.033s (30.000 fps)
                Size: Discrete 320x240
                        Interval: Discrete 0.033s (30.000 fps)
                Size: Discrete 160x120
                        Interval: Discrete 0.033s (30.000 fps)
                Size: Discrete 1600x1200
                        Interval: Discrete 0.200s (5.000 fps)
                Size: Discrete 1920x1080
                        Interval: Discrete 0.133s (7.500 fps)

Can anybody tell me what I am doing wrong? Lower frequencies sometimes seem to work,

For example 10 fps does:

 <param name="frame_rate" value="10"/>

But 15 fps for example also do not work.

Is there any of those tons of settings here, I have to set to make it work?

Camera module is a DELOCK 95953 if that does help.

Thanks, Regards,



Meanwhile I found out, how to use it with vlc vlc v4l2:///dev/video1:width=1280:height=720 :v4l2-chroma=MJPG :v4l2-fps=30

So the framerate and the encoding do acutally work with that camera. Sometimes it hangs for some seconds...

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Closed for the following reason question is not relevant or outdated by cyborg-x1
close date 2015-07-04 06:02:39.947440


using usb cam now instead of libuvc_camera. Seems to work fine.

cyborg-x1 gravatar image cyborg-x1  ( 2015-07-04 06:02:26 -0500 )edit