confusion over ROS on Matlab
Dear Users,
I need to set up a two-way communication between Matlab and Ros. To be be clear, I want to create ROS nodes in MATLAB and exchange messages with other nodes on the network. This link introduces some interfaces. However, I confused and do not know which one is easy to install and use. The problem is that I can have only one laptop (it runs Ubuntu 32 bit) to install ROS and Matlab on it and use this machine to make a connection with a physical robot by Ethernet cable.
I would appreciate it if you give some suggestion.
Asked by A.M Dynamics on 2015-06-05 23:15:38 UTC
If at all possible, I'd use the official Mathworks Robotics System Toolbox, which has built-in support for ROS. It requires a recent Matlab version though (I believe 2015+).
Asked by gvdhoorn on 2015-06-06 07:59:21 UTC