compile pcl code pointcloud_to_pcd
I have downloaded the code pointcloudtopcd and I am trying to compile it but I have errors.
I have created a new package ( pointcloud2occupancy) and inserted the source(pointcloud2pcd.cpp). I have modified the Cmakelists.txt file in lines:
- includedirectories( ${catkinLIBRARIES})
- add_executable(pc2og src/pointcloud2pcd.cpp)
- adddependencies(pc2og pointcloud2occupancygeneratemessagescpp)
- targetlinklibraries(pc2og ${catkin_LIBRARIES} )
But catkin_make show this:
fatal error: pcl/io/io.h: file or directory not found. #include
I think I should insert some dependence of pcl in package.xml or cmakelists.txt, and not only the lines #include in the source cpp. But I am not sure when I have to include "the includes" in those files and when not. Could some help me, please? Thanks in advance.
Asked by marilia15 on 2015-05-14 08:18:57 UTC