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odometry and navigation

Hello, I'm working with turtlebot and i have two questions about stack navigation and odometry:

The first: I want to understand if the odometry affect in the navigation or not, it saw in the navigation stack there is a relationship between the odometry (navmasgs / Odometry) and the localplanner , I would like to understand what the relationship between them, in another way how robot uses odometry to navigate.

The second: in the tutorial of the stack navigation in the configuration parameter of costmap, I cannot understand what is written according to the globalframe and robotbaseframe in localcostmapconfiguration eg what is the difference if i write in the localcostmapparam : globalframe: odom robotbaseframe: baselink and globalframe: / map robotbaseframe: base_link

Thanks in advance

Asked by sophye_turtlebot on 2015-04-23 10:21:23 UTC

