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freenect_launch registration offset


For a month now I cannot detect the kinect1 (xbox 360) with openni or openni2 so I had to switch to freenect (Ubuntu14.04 and ROS Indigo).

But the registered pointcloud seems really wrong (cf screenshot below, contours of coke can and fake bird do not match 3D data).

I'm running freenect using freenect.launch and putting depthregistration to true. I'm displaying the registered pointcloud using DepthCloud plugin. I provide /camera/rgb/imagecolor and /camera/depthregistered/imageraw as input.

I tried to calibrate the kinect but I cannot get rid of this registration error. Does anybody have an idea ?

Any help would be really appreciated, Thanks!

image description

Asked by marguedas on 2015-04-16 19:06:00 UTC

