How can I see the velocity response graph?
Hello ROS users:
I am using linux 14.04, Ros indigo and Gazebo2. I would like to know how I can visualize the velocity response graph of my p3dx model. I explain it: I have a p3dx model in Gazebo and I send angular and linear velocity to it with "rostopic pub..." , so I would like to visualize the velocity response of the model p3dx with rqt because I want to know the time constant of my model. It seems like pose turtlebox in this tutorial (point 1.5) but with /p3dx/cmd_vel topic to visualize.
How can I do that?
Thank you so much!
Asked by Alvaro Salcedo on 2015-04-15 08:58:20 UTC
It depends on the controller you are using.
For example the joint_trajectory_controller publishes a control_msgs::JointTrajectoryControllerState which already includes "error" as a field, that you can directly plot.
Asked by marcoesposito1988 on 2015-04-15 11:49:27 UTC
First of all, thanks for you reply!
What do you mean with controller? I think I have to subcribe to a topic (I don´t know in wich one) for obtain the velocity response. But maybe I can do that with rqt but I don´t know how. did you mean that I can visualize the trajectory Controller in rqt? Thanks
Asked by Alvaro Salcedo on 2015-04-15 18:42:09 UTC