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How to start Hokuyo UTM-30LX-EW on a Kobuki

Hi, all. I am trying to mount a laser (hokuyo UTM-30LX-EW) on a Kobuki (i.e. turtlebot 2). The power of laser is supplied by the Kobuki itself. This driver (urg_node) from ROS is used. The kobuki is controlled by my laptop. My laptop is being on the internet by a wireless WiFi network. However, when I input:

rosrun urg_node urg_node _ip_address:=""

I get the following error:

[ERROR] [1427377404.083261181]: Error connecting to Hokuyo: Could not open network Hokuyo:
could not open ethernet port.

I have searched and couldn't get an efficient answer. Please tell me how to solve this problem. Thanks.

Asked by scopus on 2015-03-26 08:50:24 UTC



I found the answer. The same problem has been solved here. I thought the setting of static IP was under wireless network. Since the laser is connected to laotop by wired network, setting the static IP of the port of network card is enougth.

Asked by scopus on 2015-03-27 07:40:01 UTC
