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Representing multiple attributes in a map in ROS

Hi all,

I am working on a problem where a robot has to navigate around a building which has both glass walls and brick walls. Laser sensors only work for a brick wall so I am using Ultrasound sensors where there is a glass wall.

Currently, you can represent three characteristics in a map (Free, Occupied and Unknown) as mentioned in I am wondering if its possible to represent more characteristics in the same map. For example, Lets say I want to represent a glass wall (occupied) in the map (say, with Red color) in a different way than a brick wall (occupied). Later, I have to use this map for navigation purposes and use only ultrasound sensors where there is a glass wall and laser sensor where there is a brick wall, so I want that information on the map. Is there any existing package which can read such a map and publish it as a service (something similar to map_server for example) or if not, what is the best way to go about it?

Please let me know if anything is not clear.
Thanks in advance.

Asked by Naman on 2015-03-20 12:26:46 UTC



AFAIK it's not possible to persist contextual data (this is brick, this is glass) using any of the existing core ROS tools, so you'd have to modify some of the existing packages such as map_server. It is possible to fairly easily add contextual layers for navigation purposes using costmap layers (

Asked by paulbovbel on 2015-03-22 11:50:12 UTC
